Face Lift (Rhytidectomy) in Pocatello, ID

Facelift surgery is probably the most well known facial cosmetic procedure and is the gold standard for lower face and neck rejuvenation. Although there are many new technologies that supposedly address skin and neck tightening, none of these can come close to the improvement and longevity of traditional facelift surgery.

Facelift surgery has been developed and refined over the past century and has undergone many significant changes. The facelift that your parents may have had is not the same as today’s contemporary techniques. A generation ago, a facelift had an average hospital stay of 3-4 days. Most of our patients today go home the same day and have the procedure performed in either the local surgery center or within the operative suite of our office. With the recent advances in instruments, technology and anesthesia, facelift surgery has never been easier or more affordable.

Another difference in today’s facelift patient is the age. Today’s patients do not want to wait until they look old to have cosmetic surgery. They want to stay younger looking all their life. In the past, most patients waited until they were in their 50’s and 60’s and then underwent a big operation with an extended recovery. Today’s patients opt to have smaller procedures along the way and avoid the overhaul their parents had. It is not uncommon for people in their forties, when the jowling, or bags at the sides of the chin, begins to appear to seek help. This allows for performing smaller, preventive facelifts that help maintain a youthful appearance as we age. Additional procedures may be required down the road, but these are generally smaller procedures with less recovery.

Due to the amount of patients that Dr. DaBell sees for oral and facial surgery, he has had to focus his time on certain areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery. At this time he does not perform face lifts but is happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure as well as help get you pointed in the right direction in choosing a surgeon.

Are You in Need of Excellent Oral Surgery Treatment?

Dr. DaBell can treat your mouth, jaws, and face in a caring, comfortable environment. Contact us today for superior oral surgical healthcare.

Call us: (208) 232-0232